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The following books are must reading for students of liberty, and they're on line, to read FOR FREE. Enjoy and let us know what you think!
Making Money by Jimm Braadli is a brief but thorough introduction to the topic of what money is, what it is made of, who makes it, and who suffers when governments force the populations that they control to use unsound, rip-off money. (Counterfeiters can't force you to use bogus money, but governments can!)
Democracy: Do It Yourself Freedom, also by Jimm Braadli, is an examination of what democracy really is, and what it's not. Hint: it's not voting once every 4 or 5 years! Democracy is Do It Yourself Freedom. It's interactive, and YOU get to participate! This book even includes a sample constitution for a country whose citizens desire liberty.
Mega$cam, also by Jimm Braadli, exposes the biggest rip-off of all time- the money out of thin air racket operated by bankers and enforced by governments. It also offers several alternatives.
There are two other books that we at LibertyBooks.net highly recommend for those who want to learn about freedom and liberty.
The Law by Frederic Bastiat is a short book that explains how law can be used to abuse people and that this most often happens when law purports to be "benevolent." It's one thing for law to say, "Thou shalt not steal" or Thou shalt not murder," but it is quite another thing for law to say, "George shall make as much money as Roger does." (Even though George drank and partied his way out of college, while Roger studied and qualified as a doctor, for example.)
Click here to read, for free, The Law
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The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill is the mother of all books on liberty and freedom. It explains that the bettering of the human condition can only come about from trading among individuals, and that the only choice is one between a market where the trades between consenting adults are not interfered with by anyone, and a market where the trades between consenting adults always involve the hand of government, grabbing a portion of the benefits for itself, though aggression, or the threat of aggression. This book is a must read!
Click here to read, for free, The Market for Liberty
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You can e-mail us at jb@libertybooks.net and let us know what you think of these books.
Canadians, please think about the "dollars" that you use as money.
The definition of a Canadian dollar USED TO BE: 23.22 grains (troy weight) of gold. A Canadian dollar bill USED TO BE a receipt for 23.22 grains (approximately 64.8 milligrams) of gold.
However, the Bank of Canada -- Canada's national bank -- has recently admitted that the Canadian dollar NOW has NO definition, and that the Canadian dollar is now... wait for it... a "FIGMENT OF THE IMAGINATION."
IMAGINARY units that are used to keep track of things are "points." Points are defined as: imaginary counting units; points are figments of the imagination.
Canadian dollars are nothing more than imaginary counting units, according to the Bank of Canada. Therefore...
Canadian dollars are merely "points." They are imaginary, and so they are exactly the same as the points that you get when you play a video game, the points that a store gives you for shopping there, and the points that the Canadian Football League (CFL) gives to teams for scoring a touchdown.
It USED TO BE said that the dollar was "backed by gold." You USED TO BE able to redeem your Canadian dollars for gold; that is, you could take them to the bank and get 23.22 grains of gold for every dollar bill that you turned in.
Not any more!
You can't redeem Canadian dollars for anything anymore. They are not receipts for anything.
If Canadian dollars have no definition, if they are figments of the imagination, if they are not receipts for anything, if they don't have any weight, don't take up any space, can't be felt, can't be tasted, can't be mined from the earth, and can't be grown, then they are imaginary counting units -- they are merely points!
When the CFL needs some IMAGINARY points to give to a team for scoring a touchdown, the league IMAGINES it own points. One of its employees taps on a keyboard and 6 more points are added to the team's score. The points come out of thin air; after all, they are imaginary.
Let me say that again: when the CFL needs points to give to teams, THE LEAGUE IMAGINES IT OWN POINTS. It doesn't have to go to a points store to buy or rent points.
However, in Canada, the federal government forces you to use points that are IMAGINED by bankers. It forces you to pay taxes with the points IMAGINED by bankers. Also, legal tender laws force you to accept the points IMAGINED by bankers as payment for any debts owed to you.
The Canadian government has given to bankers a legal (not moral, just, or even practical) near monopoly, on the IMAGING of points to be used as money.
(I say "near" monopoly because a small percentage of the "official" money in Canada is in the form of coins and bills. Most of the money being used in Canada is merely points that bankers IMAGINE, that appear as numbers in special computer files called "bank accounts.")
How do bankers IMAGINE points? They do it in the same way that the CFL IMAGINES points: by tapping on keyboards. Bankers tap on keyboards and points appear in the accounts of individuals, groups, and governments.
Most of the money in Canada is just IMAGINARY points flying around cyberspace, as numbers change electronically in bank accounts (special computer files) to reflect the "transfer" of points from one account to another.
Think about it: when you get paid by direct "deposit," nothing is deposited anywhere- numbers merely change in your account and the account of your employer. When you pay for something by e-transfer, nothing real changes hands- numbers merely change in your account and the account of whomever you're paying. When your mortgage payment comes out of your account automatically, all that happens is that numbers change in your account and the account of the institution that receives your payment.
When banks extend loans, they don't take the money from anybody's account to give to the borrower. (Have you ever had a note attached to your account that said, "Sorry, the money that you put in your account is no longer there because we loaned it to someone else."?)
When banks extend loans, they IMAGINE fresh new points and these new points, IMAGINED out of thin air, go into to the account of the person, group, or government taking out the loan. The government of Canada admits that banks create most of the money in Canada when they loan money. (See below.)
Bankers make huge profits by imagining points into virtual/cyber existence, and then renting (loaning) those points to individuals, groups, companies and governments.
Bankers don't sell points. They rent points.
Banks: 1) LOAN points by imagining them into the accounts of individuals and organizations, and then 2) charge interest (rental fees) on those loans.
TO RECAP: Most of the money in use today in Canada is nothing but imaginary points that have been created by the action of bankers imagining them into the bank accounts of borrowers, whether those borrowers are individuals, companies, or governments. From the accounts of borrowers, the points then get exchanged, virtually, into and out of the bank accounts of others, in series of transactions as people pay for goods and services. By being re-traded, that is, by being the payment in a series of transactions (more than one purchase), the points become money.
To be crudely blunt: most of the money that you work so hard to get, is just pulled out of bankers' asses!
How does that make you feel?
For all of this to make sense, the reader must understand that money is ANYthing, even imaginary points, that is re-traded. In other words, ANYthing, even imaginary points, that is the payment in a series of transactions (more than one purchase) is money.
1) Money used to be real things like furs, silver, rice, tobacco, silk, gold, etc. that were re-traded in series of transactions (were the payment in more than one purchase).
2) Later, receipts for real things became money by being re-traded. These receipts were "backed" by real things -- they could be exchanged for (redeemed for) -- the real things for which they were receipts. For example, a Canadian dollar bill used to be a receipt for 23.22 grains of gold.
3) Lately, money is just unbacked, irredeemable, imaginary points that get re-traded mainly by numbers changing in computers.
Google: How the Bank of Canada Creates Money for the Federal Government: Operational and Legal Aspects for an admission by the government of Canada that Canadian money today is just imaginary points, and that loans given by bankers create most of the money in Canada. }}}
Thinking about the material in this short essay, you can see that the creation of money in Canada, (and probably most, if not all, of the other countries in the world) is a gigantic scam. Scam. SCAM!
There's nothing necessarily wrong with using imagined points as money.
What's wrong is: giving, to special corporations called banks, monopolies on imagining the points to be used as money.
What's wrong is: having bank loans be the major source of imagined points.
What's wrong is: forcing citizens to pay taxes only with the imagined points of bankers.
All of these wrongs could be avoided. Simply.
Governments could imagine their own points, on behalf of their citizens.
Governments SHOULD imagine their own points, on behalf of their citizens.
It has been estimated that up to 50% of the cost of everything is made up of interest paid to banks for the dubious "service" of imagining points. (For example, the farmer is paying interest on the loan he took out in order to buy his tractor, the flour mill that grinds the farmer's wheat is paying interest on the loan it took out in order to buy the milling equipment, the trucker that takes the flour to the bakery is paying interest on the loan he took out to buy the truck, the baker is paying interest... etc. And Y-O-U pay for a portion of all that interest when you buy a loaf of bread at the store.)
In Canada, in an average year, approximately 25% of the income taxes paid by citizens to the federal government go to pay interest on the national debt. That percentage has been as high as 38%!
The federal government of Canada is now more than 1,200 BILLION (1.2 TRILLION) dollars in debt. The taxpayers pay interest on that debt. Reflect on this: in the time that it took that debt to reach 600 billion dollars, an additional 600 billion dollars of taxpayer money had been spent on interest on that debt, as it was growing.
Canadians love government paid health care. Think about the health care that could have been provided with all of the money spent on interest on the national debt!
That the government of Canada is in debt is crazy, and could be avoided if the Canadian government imagined its own points. It could then pay for its own operation with its own imagined points. This would put the points into circulation for citizens to use. Citizens would not have to pay a fee (interest) to the banks for imagining the majority of the country's points.
That the government of any country is in debt is crazy. Instead of authorizing banks to imagine points, any government could simply imagine its own points, just like the CFL imagines its own points.
Just about every country in the world is in debt.
Why do politicians always seem to eager to borrow money, thus signing their constituents up for debt? Signing their citizens into debt bondage? Debt slavery? Could politicians be working for the people who have a legal monopoly on the imagining of "point money," instead of working for the citizens of their country?
Realize this: when any politician, who is part of a government that is in debt, virtue signals by giving one of his pet groups of people money by means of some government spending program, he gets the money by taking out a loan in Y-O-U-R name, you being a citizen/taxpayer. You don't even get the chance to pay for it up front! No, a loan is taken out in your name as a citizen/taxpayer. You will pay, in the form of taxes, interest on that loan until you die!
You have been turned into a debt slave.
If you are against slavery, if you are against some people getting something for nothing while others get nothing for something, if you would like to see your income tax slashed by 25% or more, if you want a cause, then work to end the banks' monopolies on imagining points.
Work to have your government imagine its own points!
You can start by sharing this essay.
If you would like to read a little bit more about how money is anything that is re-traded, please read the very short article below entitled The Story of Money.
For further reading, if you want to be an expert on money, what it is and how it's created, visit libertybooks.net and read, for FREE, online, Making Money. It's only a little over 40 pages! If you're interested in a deeper dive, you can also read Mega$cam at libertybooks.net. It's all about the mega scam that is the unsound/fiat/inflationary money scam perpetrated by banks and enforced by governments. Mega$cam can also be read for FREE, online.
The story of money begins with trade. Fancy books call trade "barter."
Imagine that Jack has an orange and Will has an apple. They decide to trade.
Jack gives his orange to Will. Will gives his apple to Jack. Jack eats the apple. Will eats the orange. The end.
In this trade. or "barter," Jack bought Will's apple. The price of Will's apple was Jack's orange.
Will bought Jack's orange. The price of Jack's orange was Will's apple.
In this trade, or "barter," there was buying and selling, with prices and payments, but NO money.
Now, please imagine that instead of eating the orange that he got from Jack, Will decided to exchange it for Heather's banana.
In this series of trades, the orange was traded by Jack, and then it was TRADED AGAIN, or RE-traded by Will. The orange was the payment for Will's apple, AND ALSO Heather's banana.
You can see that the orange, which we'll simply call "O" could be the payment for many things (a for apple, b for banana, c for cupcake, d for doggy, e for eye-drops) bought by many people (J for Jack, W for Will, H for Heather, T for Terry, P for Patty, and V for Vixxy.)
The orange would become money when it was RE-traded by W, and the orange would remainmoney as it was further RE-traded by H, T, and P.
You can see that money can come into existence, naturally, through the trading actions of people.
When people RE-trade anything in a series of trades, money happens.
Now, what would happen if "V" for Vixxy were to finally eat the orange? Well it would disappear, of course, and it could no longer be money. That would only be natural.
It is perfectly natural that money both comes into existence, and goes out of existence. In a sense, money is born, and it also dies. Money is not something that has some magical quality that lets it be money forever.
Over the years, many things have been RE-traded, and have thereby become money. Gold, tobacco, cows, slaves and elephant tails have all become money. Even now, such things as drugs and cigarettes become RE-traded; become MONEY, in prisons.
Some things, like gold, get RE-traded more often and in more places, than others. But even gold is not automatically money just because it is often in demand. Any gold that becomes money only becomes money when it is RE-traded, and only remains money so long as it continues to be RE-traded.
From having heard The Story of Money, you can see that money can come into existence without there being any banks, or governments.
Although banks can not exist without money, money can exist without banks.
Although governments can not exist without money, money can exist without governments.
All there needs to be, for there to be money, is for someone to RE-trade something. That thing will then be money, for so long as it gets RE-traded.
Anyone can RE-trade something, so anyone can create money by RE-trading things.
Okay... let's review...
1) Money is anything that is RE-traded. Another way of saying this is that money is anything that is the payment in more than one trade, or sale.
2) Money is made out of anything that is RE-traded. It could be gold; it could be an orange; it could be cigarettes; it could be fancy little pieces of paper printed by governments or banks; it could be electronic signals stored in computers.
3) Money comes from wherever things are RE-traded.
4) Money is "born" when something is RE-traded.
5) Money "dies" when something that was money no longer gets RE-traded.
Copyright James Arthur Bradley Lethbridge Alberta Canada 18 January 2025